Friday, June 10, 2011

Sherman's March and Link

General William Sherman began his march through Georgia and South Carolina on November 15, 1864.  Sherman knew there were no opposing forces between him and Savannah and that Virginia held General Robert Lee’s army and the last stronghold of Rebel troops; supplied by the Carolinas.  Sherman also knew the South’s will, morale and war-making capability must be broken in order to end the war.  Total defeat and the destruction of anything with military value was the mantra of Sherman’s men as they pillaged and plundered their way eastward to defeat Lee’s army in Northern Virginia.  In order to get there, they would go through South Carolina and the Yankees held on to a ravenous need to exact revenge on the state that had started the secession.

The following link will take you to a website that contains more informaiton on Sherman's March and other information about the Civil War.

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